Student Support
& Well-being

At Te Aratai learning success and personal well-being are inseparable. Positive learning relationships and whanaungatanga are at the centre of everything.  We know that effective learning occurs in a safe and caring physical and emotional environment. We embrace diversity and inclusiveness as we see this as reflective both of New Zealand society today and of New Zealand’s global future.


At Te Aratai, our pastoral care network begins during the enrolment process when strengths and aspirations are discussed and any areas of concern are addressed.

Each learner will belong to a vertical ako (learner) group, which will meet for a short time most days to touch base with their kaiārahi and the other learners in this group. Once a week, the group will meet for an additional hour of a specialised ako (learning) curriculum designed to build whānaungatanga (relationships), New Zealand Curriculum competencies and personal agency. These ako groups will be united under the umbrella of four houses at Te Aratai.

The kaiārahi will be fully supported by their house dean, guidance department, and the senior leadership team.


  • Building long-term whānaungatanga, as learners are with their kaiārahi and each other for their time at Linwood College
  • Promoting peer support and peer mentoring
  • Providing opportunities for learner leadership

  • Increasing guidance for careers and course planning

  • Developing identity and connection

  • Differentiated and extended pastoral curriculum across 7 years of secondary learning

Guidance Department

The Guidance Department works very closely alongside Deans/SLT/whānau to ensure opportunities for social and emotional wellbeing support are available to akonga.

Three fully qualified NZAC-approved counsellors who are also registered teachers, along with two registered social workers support akonga.

Alongside the Guidance Department are two registered Nurse Maude nurses on site every day. We also have access to Partnership Community Workers (PCW)’s to help with Primary Health care such as enrolling with a Dr, dental and vision support.

An enthusiastic team of five 24/7 Youth Workers also support Student Wellbeing The 24/7 workers provide 1:1 mentoring and social skills group work . They are accessed via email to

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